
Vittles, Part Dos (or, "Statis Check: The Kid Continues to Eat Whatever")

So food is pretty much one of my favorite things on the entire face of the planet ever.  There aren't too many things that I'll refuse to try (aside from creatures that are still squirming, or cool ranch Doritos).  When the zombie apocalypse happens, I call pantry-raiding duty.  Hubs loves to play guinea pig to my culinary experiments.  It wasn't always thus -- he subsisted only on butter noodles, cheese pizza, and chicken nuggets for the first 17 years of his life.  I'm forever grateful that dorm and fraternity life beat that finickiness out of him, as (in complete honesty) I would never have gone out with him if he maintained such a strict diet. 

Naturally, we've been pretty curious to see where HD would end up on the foodie spectrum.   I last wrote about this in April, when the kid was really fully getting into solid foods.  Back then, she pretty much ate whatever we placed in front of her until she was no longer hungry.  Now?  It's more or less the same.  Only she gets bored sooooooo quickly.  She's very much a grazer, and loves variety.  Kid would be right at home in a tapas restaurant.  Sure, she enjoys regular kid fare like peanut butter or mac'n'cheese, but she also loves roasted brussels sprouts and shrimp gratin with feta.  Which means she pretty much just eats what we eat -- which is flipping SWEET.  Mama certainly has no plans on being a short-order cook.

Although, I keep hearing that kids get picky with food starting around age 2.  And goodness knows toddlers love nothing more than changing their minds on a dime.  I'm hoping that's one "milestone" we can avoid entirely.  I'll gladly take the "I heart being naked" phase instead.  HD had sushi for the first time last night.  Before you call CPS...no, we did not feed our baby raw fish (just veggie rolls and cooked shrimp dumplings.  But kid scarfed seaweed, fresh ginger, and soy sauce like nobody's business.  All topped by her very first popsicle, since those wicked incisors are trying to push through.

Edemame (kid calls it, "mommy") and her de-contructed veggie rolls.

Mmmm, kiwi strawberry.

Incidentally, HD was super into chopsticks.  She kept wanting to use mine, but couldn't quite figure them out.  I think we have our next assignment.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, D! That's so awesome the she'll eat sushi (or deconstructed versions of that). :) Hoping to have a free weekend soon to see you guys!
