
One Dubloon Short of a Full Chest (or, "11 Months Old")

My daughter is 11 months old today.  She's really only a baby for one more month!  And she's obviously really, really excited about it:

Mama, we discussed this.  Only candid shots post-nap; I'm done with posing.

Here's her "baby tricks" status to date:
  • Has a small repitoire of words she says and actually understands, including Daddy/Dada, bye, hi/hey, "quack, quack" (yup, she says this whenever she sees ducks, inc. rubber ones), and puppy.  Although, puppy is slightly debatable, since she tends to call anything that makes her happy (inc. actual dogs) "puppy."  For example dogs, any and all stuffed animals, and yours truly are usually referred to as "puppy."  And to those of you wondering, yes, she can say Mama, but I think I'm in her face so much she doesn't really see the need to ever call my name.
  • Climbing.  As in, up our entire staircase.  We're still working on the whole getting down portion.
  • Standing on her own for, like, 3 seconds!  Impressive. 
  • Not walking on her own just yet.  She loves cruising (walking while holding on to furniture) and really loves her alligator walker.  She loves it so much, she actually gets pissed off at other toys that aren't as awesome as her beloved walker.
  • Threw her first full-on temper tantrum on Mother's Day.  We were up at the in-laws house, and her grandma had found an old toy of Hubs's, lovingly cleaned it up, and had it out for HD.  HD thought it was supposed to move around in the same way as the walker -- lo and behold, it did not.  Full blown wails and tears of frustration, leaving me to explain to everyone that no, she wasn't hurt.  Just going through toddler-hood a bit earlier than predicted. 
  • Pointing at everything.  My favorite is when you ask her "Where are the pirates?" she points vehemently at this cool pirate flag garland that's hanging up in her room.  Pointing also means that she's able to indicate what she wants in ways other than crying.  Huzzah!
This time last year, I was in a holding pattern.  The last month of pregnancy isn't easy, and not just because of the beached whale/constant need to pee/tiny foot poking you in the ribs feeling.  It's a time where planning goes completely out the window, and you have to be ready for a new person to be in your life at any moment.  You begin to fully comprehend that you will be responsible for another person's safety, well-being, health, happiness.  There were times where I could feel that I was psyching myself out.  "I won't be good enough, I haven't prepared enough, I have no idea what I'm doing." 

But you breathe and ride out that final month.  And when she makes her appearance, she looks into your eyes for the first time as if to say, "Oh, it's you."  You fall instantly, madly in love.  And this tiny little person teaches you every day what it is that you're supposed to do, who it is that you're supposed to be.

Man, I can't wait to get home today to play with my kid.


  1. Awww! Can't wait to see her soon!!! Can't believe she's growing up so fast! Amazing. Happy almost-one-year-old to her!

  2. She's adorable, even when she's "glaring" into the camera! I can't believe she's going to be a toddler soon!! One day, if/when Todd and I ever have kids, I was telling your hubby we should meet halfway -- in Disneyland!! Just sayin'... You and B are doing a fantastic job as parents!!! I hope we can be half the parents you are!

  3. I hope one day, Todd and I can be parents half as great as you guys are!!
