
Lost at Sea (or, "Why We've Been MIA")

A couple of weeks ago, Blogger had some major issues. Not really sure what was up, but my last post was completely deleted and I couldn't access the site at all. Then, last weekend we had our first family vacation (one where we have no free babysitting from grandparents!) to lovely Los Angeles. We had tons of fun visiting old friends and visiting the alma mater.  More to come in a separate post, which will be delayed a few days due to a visit from Sandpaper Pappy!  HD is stoked to see her grandfather, and so am I.  Until then...


  1. She is getting so big-doesn't look like a baby anymore!!! (P.S. Glad to know someone else gives their baby alphabet cards to play with)

  2. Yeah! I hope she likes the books.

  3. I agree with Erin -- HD looks so much older and less baby-like! I guess it comes with almost turning one. =) Still the cutest baby in the world!

  4. Meghann -- she LOVES the books. They're awesome, and she now already recognizes and says "banana" thanks to your gift.

    Erin and Jenn -- yup, she's huge now. As soon as she takes those first steps, I'll officially have to use the term toddler. She certainly already acts like one (just a preview for her moody teenage years!).
