
Doublets, Waistcoats, and Breeches (or, "Costume Box!")

I haven't written in awhile, which saddens me.  I really like giving an update a couple of times a week.  I could make excuses...in fact, I will make excuses.  No new entries in a week because:
  • I've been working during lunch breaks.  Work got stressful all of a sudden -- go figure.
  • The weekend was spent cleaning and spending quality time with my source material (that would be HD and the Hubs).  Lots of time at the library and on the swings.
  • I've been watching the Masterpiece Classics special Downton Abbey.  PBS really knows how to appeal to my inner nerdiness.  I'm obsessed, but only have 2 episodes left.
By the by, if any of you readers have a hankering for an particular update/topic ("more crawling footage!") or if you have burning questions that must be answered ("why on earth did you make HD wear ____?"), feel free to email me or post in the comments.  On to the show!

I heart projects.  It’s a little thrilling to come up with the idea, make prep lists, gather all materials, and have a set end product.  Makes-ah me happy.  I’m also a big fan of playing.  There are all sorts of games/toys from my childhood that I reverted to when babysitting…and I’d love to dip into those as a parent too.  I get ridiculously excited over playthings for HD.  Scouring Etsy for retro toys; stockpiling books that I loved when I was young (Laura Ingalls Wilder -- holla!); and dreaming of couch forts, art projects, and playhouses [Interjection -- LOVED building an “Are You Afraid of the Dark”-inspired fort in the woods with my bro, my BFF Kim, and some neighbor kids.  We dug a pretty sweet mini-cavern to use as a hiding place.  It was cool until the hideout became a haven for skunks and teenage boys who liked to share an illicit beer].  I know the biggest lesson for me will be to dial back my own nostalgia and follow HD’s lead on her likes and dislikes.  Thankfully, as the moppet gets bigger every day, she has exhibited a few interests that have helped me form a project or two for later.

HD has revealed an extreme fascination for makeup, hair, and jewelry.  At least, I can convince myself that she has.  Makeup – she likes holding pots/tubes when I put it on in the morning (ok, so it’s prolly because the pots are perfect size for her chubby lil’ hands).  Hair – she always has her hands in my or her hair; loves playing with it (yeah, all babies pull hair any chance they get).  Jewelry – I daresay she examines my necklaces with a particularly delicate touch (ooh! shiny!).  I mean, the evidence of a future fashionista is solid!  I have decided it’s my duty to cultivate this potential hobby.

Hubs and I comb through our wardrobes every couple of months to weed out items to give to our local mission or Goodwill.  It occurred to me during this last round of closet cleaning that I should save some of the booty for my daughter.  I definitely used to dress up in my parents’ gear, usually dragging my little brother into the process.  So I have started setting aside old clothes, and pieces of old Halloween/sorority costumes that I weirdly hung on to.  A veritable costume box for HD!  You know, for once she’s walking and changing her own clothes and whatnot.  Examples of it current contents:

·         Various pirate paraphernalia (duh) – plastic sword, kerchief, eye patch, several hats, etc.
·         Awesome black kimono-style dress with huge multicolor sleeves
·         Heeled tap shoes (from my high school musical days)
·         A white eyelet & lace dress
·         Purply satin bridesmaid dress
·         A jaunty red beret!
·         The coup de grace – a bright red, old-timey union suit, complete with drop-down flap on the butt (lovely gag gift to Hubs one year from my folks; a welcome-to-your-new-Southern-family kind of thing)

Overzealous?  Perhaps.  I prefer “prepared.” 

HD, Mama promises that she will only dress up with you in the privacy of our own home, special occasions notwithstanding.

Incidentally, God help Hubs and me if HD ends up loving lucha libre or investment portfolios or something.  Although if she bats those eyelashes at us, I’m sure we’ll instantly become huge fans of whatever she wants.


  1. Note to reader -- please disregard any weird formatting on the colors of the text in this post. I'm not tech-savvy snough to figure out why it's being weird. Thanks!

  2. Great idea, hanging onto fun clothes to use for dress-up! She will be very happy you did. =D

  3. "Ooohh!Shiny!" I love it! And yes, keep all kinds of jewelry for her. I remember LOVING going through my mom's big chest of jewelry, multiple times. She had sorority pins and and all sorts of 70s jewelry and charm bracelet and such, in addition to the fine jewelry. I wish I still had all of it!

  4. AAAAHHH! Our midnight society fort in the woods was the best!! HD is super lucky to have such a creative, fun, and talented mama!

  5. Kim, we OWNED fort-making!! I mean, we should have become architects or engineers or something. Our skills are unsurpassed. The bro and I still talk about how awesome that place was. :)

  6. The little boy is such lucky that he has such a creative, fun, and talented mother!
