
Pillagin' and Plunderin' (or, "Yes, I Am a Full-Time Working Mama")

Once upon a time, way back in 2008, I was on a very specific career path.  I worked with fun people and made a commission.  I got to travel and had an expense account.  I was good at what I did and was promoted and placed with high-profile clients accordingly.  Yet the entire time I was on that path, I had a sneaking, hidden suspicion that it just wasn't for me.  It took me a few years to realize that I was working in a job like that because I thought it was what I was supposed to do.  Degree from top university + prestigious corporate training program + non-stop schmoozy career = Success.  Friends, travel, building a family of my own could all be worked in around that eventually.

Don't get me wrong -- it does work that way for some people, people I actually know in real life.  That equation does make others happy.  But I wasn't.  So when I decided to start building a life with Hubs I not only moved to a new city, but I also completely switched up my career.  I took a job in HR (arguably one of the more thankless career paths in the working world) at a non-profit (definitely less than I was making before, but I believe in the cause!!).  No, I didn't do it to be a martyr or give my former corporate existence the middle finger.  There were lots of reasons for rebooting my career -- and the absolute biggest one was that this job allows me to separate my work and personal lives.

There are all sorts of studies about Generation Y and their (our) work ethic.  My favorite perception of my generation is that apparently, none of us believe in work-life balance.  That is, we're so plugged in to our smart phones and so amped to telecommute that work-life is a seamless state; there's no one or the other.  Supposedly, we're all drafting corporate memos on our iPhones while we're out at happy hour.  I call bull-honky, as I ostensibly am the complete opposite of what some Boomer psychologist says I'm supposed to be.  As soon as I log off my work computer, I am done.  I work very hard when I'm in the office, but the second I'm out the door I'm in full Mama-mode.  My train commute consists of making grocery lists, searching for baby food recipes on my smart phone (take that, corporate email!), and getting in a blessed 30 minutes of a novel (ah, glorious Me Time).  The second I get home, I am playing with, feeding, bathing, and comforting my baby and attempting to be an attentive wife.  Who has freaking time to work from home?

This week, I got another promotion.  When my boss broached the topic, I had two simultaneous thoughts: 1) "Ooh!  More money for HD's college fund!" and 2) "There's no way I can work more hours; I'd never see my kid."  Luckily, the hours will remain the same.  And no one's giving me a Blackberry any time soon.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the promotion! I'm not back at work yet, but can totally relate to this post. However, I am still at the typical corporate job so we will see how that goes and how long it will last.
