
A Mare Over a Schooner (or, "Even Pirates Say 'Wheeee!'")

My bro and I used to ride this rocking horse when we were kids.  I'm not the biggest advocate of saving everything from childhood, but I'm super glad that my HD has this thing (thanks heaps to my sentimental Daddy!).  Apparently, so is she:

Apologies for the tiny video; it's from Hubs's iPhone.  Oh, and that little sound byte at the end there?  HD is blowing her lips out ("ppppllllllltttttpppp") which is her horse sound.  I mean, obviously.

But seriously, pirates love horses as much as cowboys love boats.  Just ask Lyle Lovett.


  1. Dude, she does a better horse sound than I can ever do! This is sooo cute! Keep the vids coming!

  2. SOOOOO worth the wait! Thank you very much.
